Dwayne Booth, also known by his pen name “Mr. Fish,” is a university lecturer and freelance cartoonist who has used his platform to propagate anti-Semitic themes and hateful rhetoric. Through his controversial cartoons and public statements, Booth has gained notoriety for spreading dangerous and inflammatory content.
Dwayne Booth Trivializing The Holocaust
Promotion of Antisemitism
- November 2, 2023: Booth published a cartoon depicting Benjamin Netanyahu shoveling human skulls into a crematorium, with the accompanying text:
“BENJAMIN NETANYAHU CHARGING FULL STEAM AHEAD INTO THE HISTORY BOOKS AS THE FIRST ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER MAGNANIMOUS ENOUGH TO BRING EVERY LAST PALESTINIAN MAN, WOMAN, AND CHILD IN ON THE PEACE PROCESS.”- This imagery directly invoked Holocaust-related comparisons, a hallmark of contemporary antisemitism as defined by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA).
- November 8, 2023: Booth posted a cartoon implying Palestinians were facing genocide comparable to the Holocaust. The text included grotesque accusations:
“IT’S IMPERATIVE THAT WE INCINERATE THEM AND EVERYTHING THEY HAVE…SO THERE WILL BE NOTHING LEFT FOR THEM TO CURATE EXCEPT THEIR ANTI-SEMITISM.” - February 1, 2024: Booth reportedly posted a now-deleted cartoon featuring prisoners in a Nazi concentration camp holding signs such as:
“STOP THE HOLOCAUST IN GAZA” and “GAZA THE WORLD’S BIGGEST CONCENTRATION CAMP.”- This inflammatory content trivialized the Holocaust and perpetuated dangerous tropes.
Depictions Glorifying Violence and Hatred
- December 7, 2023: Booth’s cartoons became increasingly grotesque:
- One cartoon showed three men drinking blood labeled “Gaza” while sneering at a white dove. The caption mockingly read: “Who invited that lousy anti-Semite?”
- Another depicted a gun with an Israeli flag aimed at the head of a baby in an incubator, titled: “THE EXECUTIONER’S SONG.”
- Booth consistently demonized individuals in his work, portraying military personnel as sadistic aggressors and accusing them of atrocities without evidence.
Dwayne Booth’s body of work and public commentary have been marked by explicit antisemitism and inflammatory rhetoric. His repeated use of Holocaust imagery to attack specific groups and his grotesque depictions of violence have made him a controversial and divisive figure. As a university lecturer, his actions raise serious concerns about the influence such hate-filled narratives could have on students and broader academic discourse.